Stadiums will be taken under control

The administration of President of the Russian Federation has instructed the Government to develop a system to assess the efficiency of the cost of construction of stadiums for the World Cup in 2018, according to Kommersant.

The authorities do not want to get into a situation where estimates for the project during its construction increases several times, as was the case with Zenit Arena in St. Petersburg.

President Vladimir Putin ordered Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to develop a system of indicators to measure the efficiency of spending on the construction of the stadiums being built for the World Cup 2018. This efficiency evaluation system of construction costs needs to avoid increasing the cost of items in preparation for the championship. In developing this, into account should be taken international experience and the construction of sports facilities for the 27th World Summer Universiade in Kazan, says the document. In addition, there were instructions to study the possible re-use of stadiums.

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of Mr. Putin, confirmed that such an order exists. Preparation of cost estimates for stadiums was delegated to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, and the responsibility to the Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance. The ministry reported that the order came on March 25, but how the system will work, is difficult to say right now.

One of the federal officials said that before the construction of each stadium, a detailed budget will be developed, with all costs justified, which is the maximum that the state will provide from budget funds.

The order to develop a system of indicators for stadiums was signed after Mr. Putin's visit to Kazan – on March 19. The president visited the facilities that were built for the World Summer Universiade. After visiting a football (soccer) stadium, President Putin proposed to use it as a benchmark in the construction of similar facilities in other regions. This stadium was designed and built by the Inteks Company, part of the Summa Group run by Ziyavudin Magomedov, with the participation of the local company OPS Kazan.

During the FIFA World Cup, 12 stadiums in 11 cities will be used. Matches will be held in Moscow in the Luzhniki and Spartak Stadiums, which are being built by Leonid Fedun, the vice-president of LUKOIL. Before the championship, seven stadiums need to be built, and four of these will be designed by FSUE Sport-Engineering of the Ministry of Sports of Russia.


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