MAPIC 2015

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The entry of an overseas retail chain to the Russian market has always been somewhat akin to a beginner leaping into an ice hole: experienced ice swimmers are encouraging and promising a unique surge of energy. The temptation is strong, but the experience appears too scary and exotic. And now it’s double as scary. On the one hand, it’s clear that another crisis means a superb chance to take a vantage ground for a spurt and skim the cream after the situation improves. On the other hand, the reasons behind the current slump are too irrational and plain logic just does not work here. The only way out is trusting the sixth sense, but intuition sends different signals to different players. Accordingly, some hastily announce their entry to the Russian market while others exit it as hurriedly,
fixing their losses. Nevertheless, the Russian delegation at MAPIC is again one of the most numerous this year. The fact that many Russian participants will make their debut at the forum with their stands is quite revealing. Against all odds, Russia remains one of the most attractive European markets, with new shopping malls opening their doors, regional infrastructure developing, and foreign partners still drawn to enigmatic and illogical Russia.

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MAPIC 2015

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